Kushma Bungee Contact Number

Are you planning for Kushma Bungee Jump? Do you have some queries about the bungee? Call at Kushma Bungee Contact Number is +977-9801177317. Contact us to know more about Kushma Bungee Booking.

We are offering Kushma Bungee Experience for Nepali at the best price. You can book your trip with us. Let us handle your boring stuff like Booking, Bus Tickets, Accommodation, and enjoy your jump. Prepare yourself for Bungee, we prepare the rest.

Kushma Bungee Location

Kushma Bungee is located in the Kushma City of Parbat District. Parbat District is located in the Western Part of Nepal. You can take a bus from Kathmandu to Parbat(Kushma). It takes about 10-12hours to reach Kushma from Kathmandu. A faster approach can be taking a private Van, it will take 8-10 hours and the van will carry only your team. The location of Bungee is a 10-15 minutes walk from Kushma City.

Kushma Bungee Price

The price of Kushma Bungee is Rs.8000 and Rs.1500 additional for photo and video. However, you need to set a budget of 15,000 for your food, travel, and accommodation. We are providing a complete Kushma Bungee package. You can use above mentioned Kushma Bungee Contact Number to book the whole package as well.

Kushma Bungee Requirements

Since Kushma Bungee is adventure act, you need to be fit for this. You should not have any heart disease, your blood pressure should be normal for Bungee. Women who are pregnant are not allowed for the jump. Moreover, person with any heart and brain related diseases should not make jump. To know more: you can use above mentioned Kushma Bungee Contact Number.

Operator’s Name: The Cliff Pvt. Ltd.
Location: Kushma, Parvat district
Available Activities: Bungee Jump, Canyon Swing, Tandem Swing, Sky Cycling, Ping
Bungee Height: 228 m
Freefall Period: 8.5 Sec
Weight Limitation: Minimum: 40 Kg, Maximum: 120 Kg