Five Most Common Travel Scams for any travellers in Nepal

Being one of the most popular and most preferred travel destination Nepal offers the best diversity in Culture and territory. Likewise, the warm hospitality of the Nepalese locals entices tourists to their overall visit. Despite the beauty of this small beautiful Nation and it’s people there are the cases of scams that are encountered by tourists in Nepal.

Here’s the list of some common scams encountered in Nepal

When someone tries to help you or when someone is over-friendly

It’s really hard to judge people if they are really helpful and friendly or they are just showing with the expectation of tips. In Nepal, Most of the people in remote areas are really helpful and might help you simply out of kindness. However, it’s not the case every time. And hence, you must be careful.

Scams related to Taxis

When you ask someone about the hotel you want to stay, either it is a taxi driver or some third person, They might say they don’t know where it is or they can say that the hotel doesn’t exist. This is because all they want to do is get you to some other hotel and get the commission out of it. To avoid such scam be sure you have the number of your hotel handy. Likewise, a taxi might charge you expensive fare so be sure to check the fare on the board or try asking it to some random Nepali. Similarly, pay your charge according to the meter reading. Don’t just get on a taxi if the guy is not ready to drive with the meter on and ask for the random fare.

Helicopter Rescue Insurance Scam

If you are in the Himalayas and you feign acute mountain sickness or altitude sickness then, the travel company with whom you are trekking might offer you the rescue helicopter back to Kathmandu. They’ll expect that your travel insurance will pay the helicopter bill. This is an Insurance fraud and it’s totally illegal. This might get you to go to jail so be careful while choosing the Trekking Agency.

Hashish sellers

In Nepal, you might encounter some random guy selling Hashish. We suggest not to get involved. It’s totally illegal and this might get you caught and you might have to go to jail for this.

Unreliable Bars

Be aware while visiting Dance bars and Night clubs in Kathmandu. There are some strip clubs that charge insane fees and will never let you leave until you paid. So, keep avoiding strip clubs. However, it’s totally fine to go to normal night clubs and bars in Kathmandu and Pokhara.