Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek
  • Max Altitute:4600mtr
  • Price:USD 880
  • Difficulty:Normal
  • Duration:17 Days

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek

Trip Overview

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek is the trekking route that is closest to Kathmandu Valley. In addition, the Langtang Gosaikunda region lies in the northeast part of Kathmandu Valley and is one of the moderately challenging trek routes in Nepal. The journey is both naturally and culturally important. You can get 360 views of snow-topped mountains and panoramic Himalayan alpine scenery. Moreover, the major attraction of this trek is Gosaikunda Lake. A place for pilgrimage for both Buddhists and Hindus. Likewise, Lake water is believed to have magical healing powers. According to Hindu mythology, Gosaikunda is the abode of Hindu deities Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Here, in this Lake Lord Shiva was believed to have gained purity of his soul.

Equally important, there are 108 lakes in this region among them Gosaikunda (4460m), Saraswatikunda and Ganesh Kunda are the popular ones and fall closest to each other. Hence, the Langtang Gosaikunda trek trial is best for those who want to explore the Himalayas both culturally and naturally and of course, nearest to Kathmandu Valley. During, Janai Purnima is the August full moon many Hindu pilgrims visit this Lake and take Bath to purify their souls and they believe in doing so every sin is cleansed.

Related: Annapurna Basecamp Trek Via Poonhill

Contact  us at:

Kathmandu Office014514568,9851237317 (Whatsapp)
Pokhara Office014514568,9801177317 (Whatsapp)
Mail us
Location of Kathmandu officeBhagawanbahal, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Location of Pokhara OfficeStreet No. Four Pokhara Lakeside

Highlights of Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek:

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek
Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek

The Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek is a captivating journey that unveils the pristine beauty of the Langtang region in Nepal. This trek is renowned for its diverse landscapes, ranging from lush forests and terraced fields to alpine meadows and snow-capped peaks. One of the highlights is the Langtang Valley, surrounded by majestic mountains, including Langtang Lirung. As trekkers ascend, they encounter the sacred Gosaikunda Lake, nestled amidst high mountain scenery, offering breathtaking views. The cultural richness of the region is evident in the traditional Tamang and Sherpa villages, where warm hospitality and unique customs provide a glimpse into the local way of life.

The Helambu region further enchants with its charming villages and scenic trails. Thus this allows trekkers to immerse themselves in the serene beauty of rhododendron forests and terraced fields. The Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek is a holistic experience, combining natural wonders with cultural immersion, making it a memorable adventure for those seeking both scenic grandeur and cultural authenticity in the heart of the Himalayas.

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek Itinerary:

Day Activity
01 Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300m/4,264ft)
02  Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi (1,550m/5,100ft): 7-8 hours
03 Trek from Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (2,380m/7,830ft): 6 hours
04 Trek to Mundu (3543m/11,621ft) via Langtang village: 6-7 hours
05 Mundu to Kyangjin Gompa (3,870m/12,697ft): 4-5 hours
06 Acclimatization: explore Tserko Ri (5,000m/16,404ft) 7-8 hours
07 Kyangjin Gompa to Lama Hotel: 6-7 hours
08 Lama Hotel to Thulo Syabru (2,230m/ 7,316 ft): 5-6 hours
09 Thulo Syabru to Shin Gompa: 3-4 hours
10 Shin Gompa to Gosaikunda (4,460m/14,632ft): 5-6 hours
11 Gosaikunda to Ghopte (3,440m/11,286ft): 6-8 hours
12 Ghopte to Melamchigaon (2,560m/8,399ft): 6-7 hours
13 Melamchigaon to Tarkeghyang (2,590m/8,497ft): 5-6 hours
14 Tarkeghyang to Sermathang (2,610m/8,563ft): 3-5 hours
15 Sermathang drive to Kathmandu: 3-4 hours trek, 2 hours drive
16 Free Day Ktm
17 Final departure

You can also ask our team for a customized Itinerary if you have a big team of trekkers.

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek Itinerary and Cost:

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu without snow
Gosaikunda without snow
Cost for Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek
No of People Cost for Person(USD)
1 pax USD 880+25%
above 2 person USD 880
If you are looking for only a service then we provide it for only ****. Services include a potter guide, all local transport by bus, all government permits, and insurance for Nepali.

This trek to the Langtang region is basically for 16 days. We expect the minimum group of people visiting Gosaikunda and Langtang to be at least 2 people. You will be provided food and available accommodation with cozy rooms and comfortable service by the agency. The cost for the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek for 16 days itinerary is ****. But if you have a big group and are looking for a customized trip in Langtang Gosaikunda then we also provide the customized trip. The Price for the customized Langtang Gosaikunda Trek will be accordingly.

Note:  According to Trekking Terms and Conditions, if the client cancels the booking of the trek then the refund policy is as given:

• After booking The Trek if an Individual Gets un-well and Cancels his/her trip Before 1 Day of the Scheduled Date Company will Charge 60% of the Trip amount as a Cancellation fund.
• After booking The Trek if an Individual Cancels his/her trip Before Arriving here in Nepal Due to any reason Company will Charge 20% of the Trip amount as a Cancellation fund. (Note: if an individual Postpones the trip No Cancellation change will be taken)
• After the trip is started and if an individual cancels the trip in between Due to any region (Medical, Personal, etc.) no refund will be offered. The full Trip cost will be charged by the company.

Trek with Sherpa Guide:

A Sherpa Guide is a certified guide registered with the Nepal Mountaineering Association, with extensive experience in trekking and mountaineering in the Himalayas. Hike on Treks offers these skilled Sherpa guides, each with over 20 years of experience, to enhance the flexibility of your journey. Having a Sherpa guide makes your trek less challenging, ensuring you can fully enjoy the experience with their expertise and support. Mr. Yakpu Sherpais one of our experienced guides who is a registered guide by the Nepal Mountaineering Association.

  We also provide special Trekking and Tour Guides. They are listed below:

  • Specific Language Guide for City Tour (70 $) Per Day.
    English Guide for city Tour (50$) Per Day.
  • Trekking Specific Language Guide (50$) Per Day.
    English Guide for Trekking (35$) Per Day.
  • Potter Guide for Trekking (25$) Per Day.
    Support/Potter Staff for trekking (20$) Per Day

Above above-mentioned rates For Guides include Daily wages and Gear and Equipment and do not include Insurance and Ground transportation Fees. Also, you can learn about the gear and equipment for the trek from our blog Trekking Essential. 

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek Route:

Gosaikunda with snow
Gosaikunda with snow

The Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek is a remarkable 18-day adventure that takes trekkers through a diverse range of landscapes, cultural experiences, and breathtaking views. Beginning in Kathmandu, the trek starts with a scenic drive to Syabrubesi, the gateway to the Langtang Valley. The journey involves traversing picturesque villages, and dense forests, and crossing suspension bridges over the Langtang Khola. Highlights include reaching Kyangjin Gompa, a prominent monastery surrounded by stunning mountain vistas, and an acclimatization day at Tserko Ri.

Moreover, the trek then leads to the sacred Gosaikunda Lake, a site of religious significance surrounded by the Himalayan panorama. The trail continues through the Helambu region, offering encounters with Sherpa and Tamang villages, ancient monasteries, and panoramic views of the mountains. The trek concludes in Melamchi Bazaar, followed by a drive back to Kathmandu. This comprehensive journey blends natural beauty, cultural immersion, and a sense of accomplishment, providing a truly enriching experience for trekkers in the heart of the Himalayas. Similarly, this region falls under Langtang National Park so, you can get a chance to spot Tigers, wild boar, red panda, pica, musk deer, etc.

Related: Dhunche Gosaikunda Lake Chisapani Trek 

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek Difficulty:

Comparatively, the Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu trek is moderately challenging for you and offers you the chance to explore the Himalayan beauty. In addition to that, you can have a view of different mountains like Langtang Himal, Dorje Lakpa, Langshisa Ri, Langtang Lirung, Langtang Ri, etc. During the Langtang Gosaikunda trek, you will also get the chance to enjoy the hospitality of the Sherpa people. You will also understand their cultures and traditions. Furthermore, the main inheritances of this region are Tamang and Sherpa, the origin of Tibetan. Their religion, culture, languages, and dress are similar to the Tibetan people. Similarly, the craftsmanship, dress, traditionally built stone houses, and the beautiful wooden carved go back to the reflection of hundreds of years.

After you have arrived in Kathmandu in the first place you will get to rest and then you will get to enjoy exploring Kathmandu valley on the second day. While exploring UNESCO world heritage sites you will get a chance to explore Hindu and Buddhist culture Visiting Temples and monasteries. You will ultimately visit beautiful Gosaikunda Lake having its own religious importance for Hindus and Buddhists.

Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek Journey:

Langtang Gosaikunda trek starts from Kathmandu, taking you all the way to Syabrubesi- the place from where the actual trial begins. Then, you will be trekking through Langtang Valley collecting views of Himalayan landscapes and Mountains in the Langtang Lirung range. Finally, you will reach Gosaikunda and enjoy the breathtaking view of Gosaikunda Lake and the mountains. After that, you will pass by a few more Lakes until you cross Lauribina Pass. Then, you will be trekking in Helambu Valley after you pass the Lauribina pass. Then, you will be walking all the way down to Ghopte and then to Kutumsang. From Kutumsang, You will trek until you reach Chisopani. Trekking from Chisopani to Sundari Jal and driving to Kathmandu will be the end of this beautiful trek.

How to Book the Trek through HikeonTreks?

As HikeonTreks is an experienced and renowned travel and trek agency in Nepal, you will definitely have a comfortable journey. We have offices in both Kathmandu (Bhagawanbahal, Kathmandu, Nepal) and Pokhara ( Frontgate, Pokhara Airport). You can contact any of the offices (014514568 (Kathmandu) 061458550 (Pokhara)). Also, you can book the trip online. As we accept online payment you can book the trip easily. After receiving the payment for the booked Langtang Gosaikunda Trek, we will forward the details regarding your journey. Treks in Nepal are heavenly and exciting, why not try them?

Detailed Itinenary

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300m/4,264ft)

Upon our arrival at the Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu, we will be greeted by a representative from Himalayan Glacier who will drop us off at our hotel. After checking in, we take a rest or visit Hike on Travel & Trek’office. In the evening, there will be a welcome dinner hosted by Hike on Travel & Trek. For dinner, you will be served excellent authentic Nepalese cuisine which will introduce you to Nepalese food culture.

Day 02: Kathmandu trek preparation

Today after breakfast we start a guided tour to several of the most historical and spiritual attractions in Kathmandu. Some of these landmarks are considered World Heritage Sites including the historic Durbar Square, the sacred Hindu temple of Pashupatinath, the famous ‘Monkey Temple’ (Swayambhunath), and the Buddhist shrine (Bouddhanath) which is one of the largest stupas in the world. At noon, there will be a pre-trip discussion where we can meet our trek leader and other team members. The meeting will provide us an opportunity to ask any questions we may have regarding our upcoming adventure. Overnight in Kathmandu.

Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi (1,550m/5,100ft): 7-8 hours

We leave Kathmandu in the morning for Syabrubesi, a village that is also the starting point for treks into the Langtang Valley. Our journey will be on a winding road through frequent switchbacks. On a clear day, we get to enjoy outstanding views of Manaslu, Annapurna, and Ganesh Himal. Our trek for today ends with a descent into the small village of Syabrubesi. Overnight in Syabrubesi.

Day 04: Trek from Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (2,380m/7,830ft): 6 hours

After breakfast, we begin our trek to Syabrubesi along the Langtang Khola. We ascend and descend simultaneously through oak and rhododendron forests. After crossing a bridge over the Langtang Khola (small river), we ascend on a steep trail that will lead us to the Lama Hotel. Overnight in Lama Hotel.

Day 05: Trek to Mundu (3543m/11,621ft) via Langtang village: 6-7 hours

We continue ascending from Lama Hotel and enjoy the mountain landscape with abundant waterfalls. As we reach the green meadows of Ghoda Tabela, we begin to see the white peaks of the Langtang range. Our trail continues to climb up the widening valley, passing a few temporary settlements used by herders. We pass a Buddhist monastery before reaching the Langtang village which was affected by the April 2015 earthquake. We continue on our trail to Mundu. Overnight in Mundu.

Day 06: Mundu to Kyangjin Gompa (3,870m/12,697ft): 4-5 hours

After breakfast, we will start our journey to Kyangjin Gompa, a principal monastery of the region. We pass by water mills, prayer wheels, and Chortens, with sacred mounds of rocks with inscriptions carved on them.  We also pass by the largest mani wall in Nepal, made from stone with prayers written on it. After the short trek, we spend the rest of the afternoon exploring the Buddhist shrine in Kyangjin Gompa and surrounding areas with amazing views of the mountains.

Day 07: Acclimatization: explore Tserko Ri (5,000m/16,404ft) 7-8 hours

We spend the whole day exploring Tserko Ri which will also help us acclimatize to the high altitude. We begin early in the morning. The trail passes through yak pastures before ascending to Tserko Ri. The sunrise view from the top of Tserko Ri is extraordinary. We get back to Kyangjin Gompa by late afternoon and explore the beautiful monastery while enjoying views of the Himalayas, glaciers, birds, and yaks.

Day 08: Kyangjin Gompa to Lama Hotel: 6-7 hours

We begin our trek after breakfast and retrace our steps to Lama Hotel. Most of the trekking today will be downhill as we pass through forests and beautiful Tamang villages. We also get to enjoy different views of the Himalayas that we had missed climbing up. Overnight in Lama Hotel.

Day 09: Lama Hotel to Thulo Syabru (2,230m/ 7,316 ft): 5-6 hours

We begin our trek with a climb up to the Rimche Village. From here we descend to the banks of the Langtang Khola. We continue on an easy trail to Bamboo and begin ascending to Landslide Lodge. From here we continue our trek to Thulo Syabru. There are two trails as we cross another bridge. We follow the one that passes by the Pahare Hotel and a waterfall at 2210 m to reach Thulo Syabru. Overnight in Thulo Syabru.

Day 10: Thulo Syabru to Shin Gompa: 3-4 hours

Today will be a short walk but it is important to not reach Gosaikunda today because the steady gain in altitude will help us acclimatize better to the high altitude. After trekking for a while we pass by a chorten and a checkpoint. From the checkpoint, we move south and pass by Garta Village and Phulung Monastery before reaching Shin Gompa to spend the night.

Day 11: Shin Gompa to Gosaikunda (4,460m/14,632ft): 5-6 hours

Today we get to enjoy fantastic panoramic views of the Himalayas including the Annapurnas, Hiunchuli, Manaslu, Ganesh, and Langtang. We follow a ridge for the most part of the day and catch a glimpse of the first of the holy lakes. The third lake, Gosaikunda (4380m), is of particular religious and cultural significance for the Nepalese and is one of Nepal’s most sought-after pilgrimage sites. The lake is surrounded by mountains on almost all sides and has a great ensemble of nine other lakes to accompany it. Every year during Janai Purnima in August, hundreds of Hindu pilgrims visit the lake for a holy bath. The large rock at the center of the lake is said to be the remains of a Shiva shrine. Overnight in Gosaikunda.

Day 12: Gosaikunda to Ghopte (3,440m/11,286ft): 6-8 hours

We move around the lake’s shore before ascending towards the Laurebina Pass (4610m). The Helambu region begins at the Lauribina La (pass) and descends to the Melamchi valley. The trail is rough and crosses moraines, but is well marked with cairns. We pass through three more small lakes before reaching the pass. We climb a small hill and enjoy excellent views of the area. Our trail passes through Surya Kunda before reaching Ghopte. Overnight in Ghopte.

Day 13: Ghopte to Melamchigaon (2,560m/8,399ft): 6-7 hours

We walk uphill and downhill on a trail that passes through dense forests. Walking on a trail through the forest will take us to Thare Pati Village. We climb a ridge above the village and continue our trek. The view from the ridge of the Nepalese hills and Soli Danda in particular is beautiful. We cross two suspension bridges before reaching Melamchigaon which is a beautiful village that houses a monastery. Overnight in Melamchigaon.

Day 14: Melamchigaon to Tarkeghyang (2,590m/8,497ft): 5-6 hours

We pass a stupa and cross a small stream below Tarkeghyang. Our trail passes through forests that lead up to Ama Yangri which is the highest point of our trek today located at 3,800m. There is a stupa and Buddhist prayer flags at the top of the hill. Furthermore, we get stunning views of Mt. Shishapangma and the Langtang ranges. The mountains are so close that we feel that we can almost touch them. As we descend we can often see yaks grazing in the bushes before entering a forest. We also walk on a trail made of broken stone before reaching Tarkeghyang which is a beautiful Sherpa village. Overnight in Tarkheghyang.

Day 15: Tarkeghyang to Sermathang (2,610m/8,563ft): 3-5 hours

We begin our trek after breakfast. The trail is easy and passes through lush forests. We also pass by beautiful villages, Chortens, a monastery, and a mani wall before reaching Sermathang.  It’s a beautiful Sherpa Village with incredible views of Ganesh Himal, Jugal Himal, and the Langtang ranges. On a clear day, we can even see Mt. Everest in the distance. Overnight in Sermanthang.

Day 16: Trek to Melamchi Bazaar, drive to Kathmandu: 3-4 hours trek, 2 hours drive

We trek through meadows, fields, and beautiful villages to reach Melamchi Bazaar. From here we drive to Kathmandu and reminisce about our trip in the Langtang and Helambu regions. After reaching Kathmandu, we freshen up and take a rest. In the evening, there will be a farewell dinner hosted by Hike on Travel & Trek to celebrate the successful completion of our trip. Overnight in Kathmandu.

Day 17: Free Day Ktm

Day 18: Final departure

Our journey in Nepal comes to an end today! A Hike on Travel & Trek representative will drop us off at the airport approximately 2 hours before our scheduled flight. On our way home, we have plenty of time to plan our next adventure in the wonderful country of Nepal.


Trip Info

1. What's Includes

  • Pick up and transfer by car from Airport-Hotel-Airport.
  • 3 nights deluxe hotel accommodation in Kathmandu.
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the trek.
  • Local lodges accommodation during the trek.
  • Government licensed guides, plus experienced porters ( including their food, salary, accommodation, equipment, medicine & insurance).
  • All local transportation.
  • All necessary permits and entry fees.
  • All government taxes
  • Rescue assistance
  • Our service charge.

2. Doesn't Includes

  • Meals in Kathmandu.
  • International airfare.
  • Nepal entry visa fee ($40).
  • Your travel insurance (should include your medical and rescue)
  • Any personal expenses.
  • Any kind of hot & cold drinks
  • Staff & driver tipping
  • Necessary equipment (sleeping bags, down jackets, walking sticks etc.)

Trip Highlights

  • Sightseeing of UNESCO World Heritage sites in Kathmandu.
  • Visiting Langtang village, Kyanjing Gompa and Holy Gosaikunda
  • Explore the Cheese Factory in Kyanjing Gompa.
  • The scenic drive in the countryside in the northeast part of the Kathmandu valley.
  • Trekking through Langtang Valley collecting views of Himalayan landscapes and Mountains in the Langtang Lirung range.
  • Visiting Sherpa and Tamang villages and exploring their lifestyle,
    culture, and traditions.

Important Info

Extra nights’ accommodation Lunch dinner breakfast in Kathmandu. In case of early arrival or late departure

early return from Trekking (due to any reason) than the scheduled itinerary

Trip Map

trip map

Fixed Departures

Hikeon Travel Activities